
Princess Story time!

A photo from a contest/event

Princess Story time!
Sarah, Jul 29, 2015
Pr0xy_5pid3r likes this.
    • Pr0xy_5pid3r
      Haha this is cool! What is the story behind it?
    • Sarah
      So I toke part in cosplay contest held at a bookstore as Elsa. Part of the contest was to buy as much stuff as you could for $20 that was then given to the hospital. So this was taken while we were all shopping as well as talking to all the little princess fans that showed up. I child handed Merida the rag doll and Ariel and I stared to joke with her about the rag doll being her twin. The child joined us then we just stared talking about our "home life" and family.

      The best part through is the three of us were the top three winners. Merida was third, Ariel was second and I got first. :)
    • Pr0xy_5pid3r
      Really nice of you to help out the hospital, Congrats on winning 1st!
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