Hey everyone!

Discussion in 'New Members' started by Danielle Davidson, Jun 11, 2015.

  1. Danielle Davidson

    Danielle Davidson Junior Disney Bounder

    My name is Danielle and I'm 19 years old. I really love Disney. I have ever since I was really little. I watched all the movies, The Little Mermaid was my favorite. I have seen many of the Disney movies that have been made.

    I've always thought that Cosplay would be so cool to do. I've never done it myself. I live in Vermont and I've never actually heard of any type of cosplay around here. I am moving to CT though, so I'm hoping that maybe they will have something like that there. I have always wanted to be able to do that, but never got the chance.

    Anyways, I love Disney and I can't wait to meet you all!
  2. Kristin

    Kristin Junior Disney Bounder

    Hi Danielle! :hi: Welcome to the forum! It is awesome that we can be connected when we are all physically across the globe. I hope your move to CT goes well?:)
  3. PrincessMegan

    PrincessMegan Moderator Staff Member

    Welcome Danielle :) Little Mermaid is my favorite to. My dream is to someday cosplay as her and be able to swim in the water with my tail
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