
Discussion in 'All Things Disney' started by dibts, May 10, 2015.

  1. dibts

    dibts Junior Disney Bounder

    I haven't seen this movie yet and I'm not even sure if it's already released. Can anyone update me on this? If you have seen it, what can you say about it?
  2. PrincessMegan

    PrincessMegan Moderator Staff Member

    I think this movie is actually still playing in some theatres so you should go catch it before it's gone! :)
    Personally I loved the movie. I was nervous that when they remade it they would mess it up too much and it wouldn't be good. But it was way better than i expected. I definitely recommend this movie.
  3. dibts

    dibts Junior Disney Bounder

    Cool! This is one where Emma Watson is the lead right?
  4. katherine25

    katherine25 Junior Disney Bounder

    I agree, you should go see it before its gone. I was a little hesitant to see it but it was actually really good!
  5. PrincessMegan

    PrincessMegan Moderator Staff Member

    Oh you're thinking of the remake of Beauty and the Beast. They haven't even started filming that one yet. They only just announced the cast list :)
  6. Bloom

    Bloom Junior Disney Bounder

    The movie is still in theaters. You should totally see it when you can. If not, then I would recommend renting it or borrowing it from a friend when it comes out on Blu-Ray.

    The movie is visually gorgeous and extravagantly elegant. As a "remake" of the Cinderella series, I would have guessed that they would have done an okay job, but they actually did wonderfully. They added in extra information and to some degree, incorporated more of the Brothers Grimm concept into the storyline rather than just their animated version. But seriously, if you (OR ANYONE ELSE) has yet to see it, you must! It's worth the few dollars!

  8. keytcee

    keytcee Disney Bounder

    I didn't get the chance to catch it when it was showing in theaters here! A lot of people say that the movie was really nice and it was actually better than what they expected it to be. There were some people who say it was just "okay" and they could have done better. Of course it really depends on the person so I really wanted to go see it myself but that time I was incredibly busy. I'm hoping to watch it when it comes out on DVD!
  9. Danielle Davidson

    Danielle Davidson Junior Disney Bounder

    I wanted to see this movie! Has anyone here seen it? I want to know if it's worth the watch or not. I know that usually all Disney movies are good, but I'm curious so I'm wondering what everyone else thought of the movie. I was going to just wait until it came out on DVD and then just rent it. I'm pretty sure that it's not out on DVD yet. I don't know how long that will take though. So, how good is this movie? Is it worth the watch?
  10. Briannagodess

    Briannagodess Junior Disney Bounder

    I have not watched this yet. Is it better than Enchanted? I adore and love that movie adaptation of Cinderella. I do hope to watch this version too. Maybe I will try online if I can find it.
  11. dyanmarie25

    dyanmarie25 Junior Disney Bounder

    I haven't seen this one yet. I think I would just have to download a copy of this film from the internet or just wait for it to be released as a DVD copy, but I have already heard and read some positive reviews about Cinderella so I think it's a good movie.
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