Being a Disney Charcter

Discussion in 'All Things Disney' started by Danielle Davidson, Jul 19, 2015.

  1. Danielle Davidson

    Danielle Davidson Junior Disney Bounder

    Would you ever want to work at Disney as a character there? I think that it would be just way to hard. If I had to be anything then I would want to be a princess there. I think that it would be fun, but there are just too many rules. I mean I would much rather just not have to worry about getting fired at any moment. I think that it would be fun, but just not worth it. So, would you ever want to be a character at Disney?
  2. Briannagodess

    Briannagodess Junior Disney Bounder

    Yes I would! Every little girl's dream is to be a Disney princess. Though I think every girl dreams of being a princess. That is probably why I loved The Princess Diaries.

    Back to the topic, I would love to be Ariel or even Snow White. Even just for a day, just to be glammed up and looked up by young girls. Even their dresses are to die for.
  3. dyanmarie25

    dyanmarie25 Junior Disney Bounder

    Absolutely! I grew up watching Disney movies and reading books about fairytales, so it would be a dream come true if I ever get a role as a Disney princess. I would really want to be Snow White. Actually, my friends sometimes call me "Snow White" since I am pretty fair and I always wear red lipstick.
  4. Natalie89

    Natalie89 Junior Disney Bounder

    I think I read somewhere that being a costumed character instead of a 'face' character lessened the rules a little, but having been to Disneyland Paris and nearly fainting from heat wearing just shorts and a t shirt, I don't really fancy the suits! I'd love to be a Disney Princess, mainly for the dressing up :) They girls are always so beautiful when you see them though, it's an unobtainable dream for average people!
  5. Danielle Davidson

    Danielle Davidson Junior Disney Bounder

    Oh yeah, I think that I also heard that somewhere. I know, I couldn't imagine having to be in one of the suits. I would probably die of heat, and I don't know how those people who do that don't. I would hope that they have good air coming through the suit. Oh yes, but it's always a good dream to have!
  6. Susan

    Susan Junior Disney Bounder

    I don't think I could do it. It takes a special kind of person to do such a job. There would be a lot of stress to the job dealing with so many people on a daily bases. It was would also be very warm being all dressed up like that. I commend the people who do it though.

  8. amelia88

    amelia88 Junior Disney Bounder

    I think I would like it for a while until I was having a bad day. I know a girl who worked at Disney - not even as a dressed up character, but just as a staff member there, and she said they were told they had to smile ALL THE TIME. Literally no breaks from smiling, because it has to be the Happiest Place on Earth, and the staff need to behave that way too. I know if I was having a crummy kind of day, trying to smile throughout it all would be exhausting beyond belief! Plus, I've seen how pushy and rude some people can be at theme parks, smiling through all of that would drive me nuts!
  9. Rose

    Rose Junior Disney Bounder

    I've worked in the amusement park industry for years (in ride operations, or "attractions" if you prefer ;)) and it sounds fun, but I know from my job now that I do not do well in the heat at all! Even when I make a big effort to stay really hydrated, I can get really sick if I'm in the heat too long. So I don't think I could handle it unfortunately! I do love to watch some of the interactions on YouTube though- Alice & Mad Hatter are my favorites to watch.
  10. whare

    whare Junior Disney Bounder

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  11. Rogerapoff

    Rogerapoff Junior Disney Bounder

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