Disney 24 hour event

Discussion in 'All Things Disney' started by Pr0xy_5pid3r, May 22, 2015.

  1. Pr0xy_5pid3r

    Pr0xy_5pid3r Administrator Staff Member

    Disneyland was open for 24 hours straight! Anybody here go to it? Really wanted to go but we didn't :( maybe next time!
  2. Bloom

    Bloom Junior Disney Bounder

    Ah! I didn't even hear about it until it was announced that their overall park capacity was full! I am extremely shocked with myself because I live nearly 2 hours away and when in University, 30 minutes away! But yeah, I heard that it was spectacular from a friends who work there. They are extremely tired, but they mentioned how it was totally worth staying up late and being around for everything during Disneyland's 60th birthday!

    So if 50 is gold and 60 is diamond, what type of birthday element is 70? Because, I'd love to go to that one!
  3. katherine25

    katherine25 Junior Disney Bounder

    I have heard of this and I have always wanted to go but never have. I've heard its amazing though! I'm determined though one day I will make it for the 24 hour event.
  4. keytcee

    keytcee Disney Bounder

    Whoa that's amazing! I have yet to go to Disneyland but I'm determined to go even just once in my life! I'm hoping I'd get to go when they also have a 24 hour event. Hoping I'd get to go soon!
  5. Natalie89

    Natalie89 Junior Disney Bounder

    It would be amazing if they did something like this for the Disneyland Paris at 25th anniversary in 2017- 24 hour park opening sounds amazing!
  6. Danielle Davidson

    Danielle Davidson Junior Disney Bounder

    Wow, that is so awesome! I had no clue that they even did that. I'm sure that it would have been so much fun. It would be so awesome to be able to ride the rides all night. I would how much it would cost though to do that? I mean I'm sure that the tickets were more than normal. Still something cool that you could do.

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